Upcycled Holiday Crafts

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When I was young, it seemed like time almost stood still as I waited for Christmas morning. The days passed slower than dripping molasses; my excitement increasing with each X on the Advent calendar. Fortunately for everyone, my mom kept my siblings and I busy. We made every possible form of construction paper ornament, baked dozens upon dozens of cookies and crafted bags full of gifts. Mom knew that the simple act of creating was the tonic for our over-stimulated souls.

As an adult, I have the opposite problem. December flies by at such a frenzied pace that I hardly have time to get excited about Christmas before the day has come and gone. It seems my soul is still over stimulated! And so I’ve returned to mom’s homemade holiday traditions: setting aside time to sit at the kitchen table and craft. My twist on the custom is using materials from the garden and recyclables.

It all starts with a look around the house to see what I have on hand. What’s in the recycle bin? What have I been saving in hopes of finding its purpose? Then I move outdoors to find bits and bobs in the dormant landscape that will add a touch of nature. It’s amazing how rejuvenating it is to take some time to make something. Plus, the end results are budget-friendly decorations and special gifts. It’s a win-win situation!

Here are three projects I’m working on this holiday season. They are simple to create, make use of materials you probably have on hand and are easy on your wallet. Best of all, you can spend a few hours focusing on something besides your to-do list.

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Herb and Pinecone Fire Starter

Herb and Pinecone Fire Starter

Add fragrance to a wood-burning fire with one of these pinecone and rosemary fire starters. A box of 10 makes a beautiful gift.



  • Small pinecones
  • Dried rosemary sprigs
  • Newspaper
  • Cotton or jute twine


  1. Roll herbs and pinecones in newspaper, and tie each end with twine (like candy in a wrapper).
  2. When you are ready to light a fire, place the fire starter between the logs with the newspaper end sticking out. Light the newspaper. As the paper, pinecones and herbs burn, they will ignite the logs.
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